NLP is based on the study of how we all create our own version of the world based on what has happened to us, and how we process that information.
How you see a thing and how I see the same thing can differ greatly depending upon how we have been brought up to view things, alongside our own life experiences.
We base our judgements and perceptions upon what we think we know about the subject, and use our internal dialogue to create a map that we can follow.
Therefore no two people can have the same map; each of us is unique with our own individual map of the world.
Depending upon the type of map we have created for ourselves, we can find we have the skills needed to make changes that leave us feeling fulfilled and successful in life.
But sometimes our internal map of the world is missing a piece or the information we hold is not correct, and this is when self-doubt, low self-esteem and limiting beliefs can hold us back in life.
This is when it can be very useful to use NLP to explore the thinking patterns, experiences and beliefs behind problems or goals.
By using NLP to explore our inner world and thought process, we can make the adjustments needed to overcome stuck emotions and belief systems, giving us a greater sense of control, and the ability to create the life we desire.